Some of my most popular writing from my “best email I have ever read” newsletter

About a year ago my nephew learnt to put things in the bin.Every time he did it, my whole family would lose their literal minds, cheering and clapping like he'd f*cking...solved the hard problem of consciousness. (He's working on it, I'm sure).
I noticed a few days ago that it has been two years exactly since I registered the domain - I really did have no idea what was about to happen.
I have 4 brothers but growing up *whispers* Kieran and I were closest. Kieran would play me symphonies from his "Best of Classical 1750-1800" CD and teach me to identify an oboe.
Last night I went to immersive theatre in London. It's a 30 second walk from where I live and everyone in the world ever has been talking about how amazing this show is.
It's not often in my training that I get someone who just super isn't into it. But, when you do as much training as I do, it's going to happen sometimes. MATHS.